I want to thank Chris for all his hard work on the web site, It looks wonderful!!!!!! We are so excited about our greyhound family and all the work they have done, today Jason, Brittney, T.C., Chris and Jamie made the kennel, ready for the Christmas open house. and the little farm house too!!!!!!!!!! We have so BLING BLING going on here~Tonya and I work on Thanksgiving to get the Shop "Greyhound Ready" for open house, It is going to be greyt. Right now as I type, Jamie is working on the sewing room so there will be more work for Jason to do when he comes back.....they made a lot of new coats today,
All the hounds are happy and lying around with the fire going, manny, ban saw, joey,freedom, derby, eunice, serina, pompei, Zoi, blaze, dolly and Tart, we have a house full of love and giving! that is what the holidays should be about, getting together with good friends and family, I am the luckiest of all